Four Critical Warning Signs of Seawall Failure

Water is always moving and changing, especially in the Northeast United States where we have strong storms and high tides. As a waterfront property owner, it's important to understand that living near a large body of water comes with risks. That's where seawalls come in – they're structures built along the coast to protect against erosion and flooding.

If you have a seawall protecting your property, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the four critical warning signs of seawall failure.

These signs include soil depressions near the seawall, rust stains on the surface, movement or shifting of the seawall, and cracks in the concrete. If you notice any of these warning signs, it's important to get in touch with a qualified seawall repair contractor. The NESLSS team offers free professional assessments and repair estimates, so don't hesitate to give them a call.

If your seawall is damaged, you have a few options to choose from. You could ignore the problem and do nothing, but this will only make the problem worse and more expensive to fix in the long run. Replacing the seawall is another option, but this can be costly and involve a lot of heavy equipment and excavation. Repairing with inferior methods, such as hydraulic cement or slurry, might be tempting because it's cheaper, but these materials don't provide a permanent solution.

The best option is to repair your seawall with proven methods from the NESLSS team.

Seawall stabilization is all about fixing cracks and shifting in the structure. This can be done through methods such as sealing leaks with SW-RP1 (a strong, environmentally-safe material), installing a hydrostatic pressure control system, repairing cracks in the seawall caps, and installing a seawall anchoring system if necessary.

Seawall preservation involves treating the concrete with solutions to provide long-term protection. This can include inhibiting corrosion with SW-Prevent, strengthening the surface with SW-Power, and protecting the surface with SW-Protect.

Water might be relentless, but you can be too! By keeping an eye out for the warning signs of seawall failure and working with the NESLSS team, you can protect your property and enjoy your waterfront view for years to come.

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